Ok2... berbalik pd tayangan hari ni.. sekali lagi K.Nor mencuba resipi waffle dr rumah Cikgi Zana yg disyorkannya tempoh hari. Yang ni baru betul Ayu Singapore ada try, kan Ayu.. hehe.. Kelainan pd waffles ni ada diletakkan yis menggantikan baking powder. Memang easy dan memang crispy. Tapi kena la bakar biar betul2 garing. Makan panas2 mmg syok, sampai anak2 berebut time makan. Mula2nya nak posing dgn eskrim, bila bukan freezer tengok2 eskrim dah yillek.. So kena posing gak dgn jem stoberi. Nak letak peanut butter nak nampak lak, sbb sama2 brown. Tak per la ya..
Tq Zana, kerana rekomen resipi ni. Memang berbaloi membuatnya. Dan tak lupa nak ucap terima kasih buat Lily yg membantu (sentiasa sudi membantu bila K.Nor memerlukan) Bukan apa, kat dlm resipi tu kata nak guna 1 stick butter. Dah tak ingat berapa gram utk 1 stick tu. Tu yg tanya Lily, dia ni tempat rujukan K.Nor sebenarnya.. hehe kombang Mdm LV yo... hihi... Pada sesiapa yg nak mencari converter atau ada masalah nak convert sesuatu sukatan dlm baking/masakan sila ke pautan terpilih kat bawah nun. Ada K.Nor letakkan link utk memudahkan bila timbul keadaan nak convert sesuatu sukatan. Zana, nak kopipes resipi tu kat sini ya... TQ

Credit to Sheryl's site
Easier Crispy Waffles
2 cups flour1-
1/2 tsp instant yeast
1 stick melted butter
2 cups warm milk
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
The night before:
1. Combine and whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl: flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
2. Combine the melted butter and milk. Add the mixture to the dry ingredients.
3. Whisk eggs and vanilla together in a separate small bowl. Add the egg-vanilla mixture to the other mixture, and whisk until well-combined.
3. Cover with plastic wrap and stick in the fridge until tomorrow morning.
The next morning:Prepare waffle iron as usual. Stir the batter to deflate it (it should be puffy and frothy). Add to waffle iron the same way you would other batter, keeping in mind that this batter will rise more than batters that use baking powder instead of yeast.