Saturday, December 5, 2009

Coffee Bread & Water Roux

Setelah sekian lama memendam hajat nak buat roti kopi ni.. akhirnya terlaksana gak ptg tadi. Pertama kali tengok kat rumah Mamafami dah jatuh hati nak buat. Tapi disebabkan hilangnya mood membaking akhir2 ni, duk peram aje la dlm list. Petang tadi, kuatkan semangat, lawan virus2 M yg menyerang.. terhasil la Coffee Bread ni.. bukan satu adunan, tp dua!! hehe... bukan apa, mulut yg nak disuap kat rumah ni dah besor2.. kena la buat 2 adunan. Kalau buat 1 adunan kang, sekelip mata jer dah abis. Tambah pulak dimakan panas2. Dengan lembut nyer, dgn wangi bau kopi nyer.. adusss... mmg syok abis. Tapi sebelum godek doh roti tu kena la buat water roux dulu ya.. Dengan water roux ni, roti kita mmg lembut. Ikhlas K.Nor cakap, K.Nor tak letak pun bread softener dlm doh roti ni. Dalam doh roti yg K.Nor buat sebelum2 ni, mmg sentiasa letak bread softener tp tidak utk doh kali ni. Bagi yg tak ada stok bread softener utk membuat roti, disarankan buat water roux ni dan gunakan dlm proses membuat roti2 kegemaran masing2.

Tak rugi tau mencuba resipi Coffee Bread ni. Memang lembuttttt sgt2. Lebih lembut lagi dr roti yg selalu K.Nor duk buat iaitu resipi oleh Mamafami gak, Basic Sweet Dough. Kalau tak silap resipi ni asalnya dr Ayin Yin tp K.Nor copy dr rumah Mamafami. Mintak izin ya Ayin dan Mama.. nak letak resipi kat sini.. Tq for both of u..

by Ayin Yin (amik kat rumah MamaFaMi)

190 g high protein flour (I used multipurpose flour)
50 g sugar
2 g salt
6 g instant dried yeast
1/2 teaspoon bread improver
1 egg yolk
50 g fresh milk
12 g instant coffee (I mixed 2g nescafe granules with 10g hot water)
60 g water roux
1/2 teaspoon cappuchino coffee emulco (I added) *
30 g butter

Method : (Breadmaker method)

1. Pour fresh milk into the breadmaker pan. Add in instant coffee, salt, sugar, egg and water roux.
2. Top it with sifted flour, dry yeast and bread improver.
3. Set the Breadmaker to Dough function.
4. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
5. Remove dough from BM and punch down to release the air. Cut the dough 35g portion each. Make into round balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
6. Let the air out of the dough and make into round balls again. Arrange in the prepared tin.
7. Leave to proof till double the size.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 25 minutes or so.
9. Once out of the oven, brush with butter.

* K.Nor tak ada stok cappuchino coffe emulco, jd K.Nor ganti dgn coklat emulco

Source : The Wandering Gourmet
(Yields about 520g Water roux)

Water Roux Starter is something used in bread making to make bread/buns springy. The springiness is fairly noticeable when you have let the bread/buns cool. Just poke your finger against the bun, you’ll see it is springy – causing people young-at-heart to go, “Whee!” *ahem* To make the Water Roux Starter, you need 1 part flour, 5 parts water.

Ingredients :

50g flour
250g water

1. Whisk the flour and water that you have decided to use in a bowl until it is whisked well and is free of lumps.
2. Put it on the stove and warm it up for 2-3 minutes at 65C. Be careful not to burn it!
3. Cover it with plastic wrap and store it in the fridge.

When using it, make sure it is at room temperature. The Water Roux Starter lasts for 3 days before it goes off.

Yg ni, lebihan yg dibuat bun, K.Nor lilit doh kat sosej
shedap!! :)