Friday, February 12, 2010

Pancake Rolls

Salam buat semua di hari Jumaat nan mulia. Nak ajak breakfast pun dh nak masuk tengahari. Yer la mmg K.Nor buat Pancake Rolls ni utk breakfast tp nk boleh ke publish tu.. huh.. tak sempat post awal2. Al maklum kan.. hari ni hari Jumaat. Memang banyak kerja kalau hari Jumaat nih.

Ok berbalik pd n3 kali ni, pertama kali tengok Pancake Rolls ni kat rumah Ina@Hana. Pastu gi tengok kat rumah Lydia@Skyblue. ermm.. memang jatuh hati nak buat.Kebetulan pg td duk pikir nak buat apa utk bf, terus teringat Pancake Rolls ni. Ok.. jom kita layan mata dgn Pancake Rolls, resipi K.Nor amik kat rumah Lydia. Tq Ina & Lydia..

by Lydia@Skyblue

Ingredients (makes 6):
1 cup All purpose flour
1 tbsp White sugar
1 tsp Baking Powder
½ tsp Baking Soda
4/5 cup Milk
1 Egg, beaten
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
½ tbsp Cooking Oil
Pinch of salt

Fillings (suggestion):
Sliced Cheese
Red bean paste

  1. Sift together flour with baking powder and baking soda, set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, bring together all other ingredients, mix until well blended.
  3. Stir in sifted flour and mix until just combined.
  4. Heat a non-stick pan on low heat, transfer one-sixth of the batter into the pan. Cook until bottom is golden brown.
  5. Remove from pan. When is cool enough to handle, place a slice of cheese on top or spread jam/kaya and roll it up. Set aside to cool with seal side down, this will help the roll to keep in shape.
  6. Cut into serving size, also to reveal the beautiful pinwheel pattern.

erm... gulungan yg kurang kemas
cuma yg gulungan slice cheese jer yg cun ..