Sedap kan.. Bila pekena di musim panas2 gini mmg nyaman .... Disebabkan K.Nor tak letak pomelo jd K.Nor pendekkan aje nama dessert ni menjadi Mango Sago. Nama asalnya adalah Mango Sago Pomelo dan resipi ni K.Nor ambil kat blog Happy Home Baking, org Kota Singa ni.. Try la buat, mudah aje. Lagipun sekarang ni buah mangga dah banyak dipasaran. Santan tu K.Nor tukar kepada Low Fat Milk dan gula pun K.Nor tak sukat banyak mana sekadar utk rasa manis sket2 jer. Sekarang ni dah kena jaga pemakanan utk K.Nor sekeluarga terutamanya cik abg yg kurang sihat kebelakangan nih..

Kepada tuan punya blog Happy Home Baking, mintak izin nak C&P resipi tu kat sini. Kalau tak silap resipi asal dia dpt dr majalah Food & Travel tp tak per la sbb dia yg publish resipi tu kat blog dia kan.. TQ so much ...
Mango Sago with Pomelo by Happy Home Baking
100g sago pearls
150g mango puree**
1 fresh mango, peeled and diced
1/4 fresh pomelo, peeled and separated
200 ml fresh milk** (I used Meiji Low Fat milk)
250 ml evaporated milk (I used low fat version)
120g white granulated sugar**
200 ml water
200g ice cubes
- original recipe calls for 120ml coconut milk and 80ml of full cream milk, I replaced it with low-fat fresh milk.
- I cut down the sugar from 150g to 120g
- I used 150g mango puree instead of 30g)

100g sago pearls
150g mango puree**
1 fresh mango, peeled and diced
1/4 fresh pomelo, peeled and separated
200 ml fresh milk** (I used Meiji Low Fat milk)
250 ml evaporated milk (I used low fat version)
120g white granulated sugar**
200 ml water
200g ice cubes
- original recipe calls for 120ml coconut milk and 80ml of full cream milk, I replaced it with low-fat fresh milk.
- I cut down the sugar from 150g to 120g
- I used 150g mango puree instead of 30g)
- To make the mango puree, remove the flesh of 1 mango and blend it in a blender. If you do not have a blender like me, simply mash the mango (use very soft and ripened mango) with a fork.
- Soak sago pearls in water for 5 mins, drain and set aside. Place about 2 litres of water in a large pot and bring it to a full boil. Add the sago pearls and cook until translucent (about 5 ~ 10mins). Keep the water at a rolling boil all the time, stirring occasionally to prevent the pearls from setting to the bottom of the pot. Remove from heat, cover the pot and set aside for about 5 mins. Drain and rinse the sago pearls under running water until cool (this helps to remove any excess starch), drain and set aside.
- Mix fresh milk, evaporated milk, sugar and water in a pot. Heat over low heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add the ice cubes. When the ice cubes are melted, add in mango puree. Stir to combine. Mix in the sago pearls.
- Allow the mixture to cool completely and chill it in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
- Serve with diced mango and pomelo.