Kalau tak nak cakap banyak2 aci tak? Jom jamu mata dengan kek cipon pelangi ni ya.. :)
source : Gert & Rima
source : K.Nor@SecubitGaram
Ingredients A
8 egg yolks
50 grm sugar
20 grm milk powder
20 grm cornflour

1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
100 ml vegetable oil
100 ml coconut milk ~ k.nor ganti dgn susu cair
Ingredients B
8 egg white
120 grm sugar
1 tsp cream of tartar
Ingredients C (for the rainbow)
A few drop of pandan paste
A few drop of pink coloring
A few drop of strawberry flavoring
2 oz of melted chocolate
A few drop of yellow coloring
A few drop of lemon flavoring
1. Shift cake flour, corn flour, milk powder, salt and baking powder. Set it aside. Combined the coconut milk and oil together.
2. In a mixing bowl mix the egg yolk and 50 grm of sugar until well combined. Add in the coconut milk and oil mixture. Mix well. Lastly add in the flour mixture. Mix until the mixture is smooth.
3. Divide the egg yolk mixture into four equal portions. Mix one portion with pandan paste, one with strawberry flavoring and pink color, another one with the melted chocolate and the last one with lemon flavoring and some yellow coloring. Mix all the four portions well and set it aside. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree F.
4. In a mixer whisk all the ingredients B on high speed until soft peak. Divide the egg white into 4 equal portions and fold it into the different egg yolk mixture. Pour each of the batter mixture into an ungreased tube pan and bake for 50 minutes or until golden brown and tested the skewer comes out clean.
5. Take out the cake and invert the cake immediately. Leave it to cool completely before removing the cake from the baking pan by running a long sharpe knife to the side and bottom of the baking pan. Cut and serve.
** ni yg K.Nor buat
1. pewarna purple + paste blueberry
2. pewarna kuning + vanila
3. pewarna hijau + paste pandan
4. pewarna merah + paste strawberry
~~~~~ X ~~~~~
K.Nor minta maaf ya, andai watermark SecubitGaram agak besar sket dan lebih terang dari sebelum ni. Terpaksa dibesarkan dan diterangkan sket, juga diletak tempat strategik agar tak berlaku lagi kejadian yg paling tak diingini tu.. Maaf ya kalau kehadiran watermark ni yg agak mengganggu pandangan mata terhadap masakan/juadah yg ditayang.. Harap2 semua faham dgn situasi K.Nor ya..