Yes!! Again.... Benda sedap, kena la buat lagi dan lagi kan.. Dah pernah buat dulu, resipi amik kat rumah Rima. Ada yg tak kenal blog Rima atau lebih tepat lg puan empunya Bisous A Toi? Nah ni link rumah Rima yg mmg terror bab baking, buat dessert, photo shooting.. ermmm.. kalau gi situ, mmg melopong la tengok gambar2 dia tip top tu.. Tambah lagi kalau dia tayang kek lapis.. fuhhhh.... cantik dan halus jer hasil kerja Rima ni, secantik tuan badan.. :) Kuat betul mengipas Rima malam ni.. hehehe.. mana tau dpt nordic sebijik kan.. haa..... untung badan hihihii ... Tak ada lah.. ni bukan bodek, bukan ngipas tak tentu pasal.. mmg terbukti kehebatan Rima dlm baking dan buat dessert. Kalau tak caya gi la jalan2 kat rumah dia tu.. mmg cantik2 semua hasil kerja Rima. Rima mmg terbaik!! Tabik toing2 kat dia :)
sumber: Rima & Ayu
sumber : K.Nor@SecubitGaram
2 3/4 cup all purpose flour-(315g)
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

2/3 cup butter, softened-(150g)
1 lb. light brown sugar(453g) - (k.nor letak 200gm)
3 eggs ~ (k.nor guna telur A)
1 teaspoon vanilla
11.5 ounce package milk chocolate chips(326g) - (k.nor guna choc chips)
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Set aside.
Stir brown sugar into softened (not melted) butter in another large bowl until butter disappears. You can use the back of your spoon to help incorporate the two together.
Add eggs one at a time to butter mixture and stir well after each egg.
Add vanilla, chocolate chips and nuts. Mix well.
Add dry flour mixture and stir until well combined.
Coat a 13 X 9 -(Ayu used 10x10)pan with non-stick spray and spread batter evenly into dish(Ayu used parchment paper).
Bake at 170 degree for 30 minutes or until top is golden brown. Make sure you don’t over bake.