Wednesday, August 3, 2011



Sekarang ni kalau nak goreng ikan mesti nak buat ikan goreng Love's style ni. Memang suka dgn rasa berempah ikan tu, nak2 kalau digoreng garing2.. Pastu ikan tu pulak ikan baru/fresh.. SEDAP! Kadang2 K.Nor goreng gitu jer tanpa bahan2 yg ditabur atas ikan tu, hari rajin buat la jugak hehe..

Ok Love, sekali lg K.Nor nak tampal kat sini resipi Love ni ya.. Tq so much dear :)

recipe : Love2Cook
source : K.Nor@SecubitGaram

Ingredients :~
5 blocks Spanish Mackerel ~ kali ni guna ikan selar
1 tsp minced garlic *
1 tbsp chilli powder *
1/2 tsp turmeric powder *
1/4 tsp corriander powder *
1/2 tsp gramdhall powder (optional) * ~  k.nor tak letak
1-1/2 tsp rice powder * (tepung beras)
little water *
salt *
1 tbsp lime juice *

1 large onion ~ cut into rings
3 dried chillis ~ sliced
1 sprig curry leaves

Method :~
In a large bowl, mix ingredients marked * until it forms a paste. Add more water if it's too thick.
Place the fish blocks in the bowl and mix together with the paste. Leave it aside for 1 hour.
Heat oil in wok and deep fry the marinated fish blocks. ( I prefer deep frying. You may also fry using little oil )
Turn over the fish blocks once awhile. Once cooked, rest on paper towel before arranging on a serving plate.
Leave about 2 tbsps oil in wok. Stir fry the onion, dried chilli and curry leaves until fragrant for 2 minutes over low heat.
Spread on the fried fish. Serve!